Buy Wollongong Magic Mushrooms strain Online
Buy Wollongong Magic Mushrooms strain online from a legal magic mushrooms online store in Ann Arbor usa shipping worldwide Wollongong Magic Mushrooms (Psilocybe Cubensis Wollongong) is a strain of mushrooms from down under, Australia. This strain originally was found near Illawarra escarpment near the city of Wollongong Australia. The team at MMD (magimushroomsdispensary) have searched high and low to find the most true genetics of what is originally a strain from the other side of the globe. We are happy to report that the search is complete and we are able to present to you this strain.
The Wollongong shrooms are known for having very creamy golden caps with spots. The stem and caps are both quite meaty and the stems tend to be white in colour. It is known to be an aggressive strain that colonizes and grows fast.Buy magic mushrooms online
Our staff report above average potency scoring high on the spiritual feelings and overall transcendence.
After 10-40 minutes of consuming Wollongong magic mushrooms you will feel your mood enhanced with euphoria and excitement. Depending on dosage you will experience mild to intense visual enhancements. Things may seem like they are breathing, the nature around you will feel more alive and you will find yourself in introspective thought. Music and art will look and feel different and you will have a higher appreciation and you may relate the music or art to yourself on a more personal level. The most common museum dose (0.5-1.5g) and moderate dose (2-3.5g) should provide you with a 3-6 hour trip. Please read our FAQ section more details. Wollongong Magic Mushrooms strain for sale
Anonymous –
Would be nice to see a change of strain but the deal is good